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July 26, 2024

What Free Trade Agreements Can Hong Kong Businesses Capitalise On?

Discover how Hong Kong businesses can leverage key Free Trade Agreements to access global markets, reduce tariffs, and streamline cross-border trade. Explore the benefits of FTAs with China, EFTA, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand.
5 min

Hong Kong's position as a global financial hub is further bolstered by its extensive network of free trade agreements (FTAs). These agreements act as bridges, connecting Hong Kong businesses to lucrative markets worldwide and simplifying cross-border trade.  

Let's delve deeper into some key agreements and explore the specific benefits they offer to various industries.

A Closer Look at Key Trade Agreements

In this article, we will be focusing on the first five FTAs due to their greater economic significance.


The Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic and Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) is the first and potentially most important FTA signed by Hong Kong. The FTA covers four key areas:

  • Trade in goods
  • Trade in services
  • Investment
  • Economic and technical cooperation

One of the most significant benefits of CEPA is the elimination of tariffs on most goods manufactured in Hong Kong that meet the agreement's rules of origin. This translates to increased competitiveness for Hong Kong businesses, as they can now offer their products to mainland China customers without the burden of import duties.  

Additionally, CEPA simplifies customs procedures and reduces trade barriers, saving businesses time and money when shipping goods across the border.

Beyond facilitating the export of goods, CEPA opens doors for Hong Kong service providers in a wide range of industries. The agreement grants access to mainland China's service sector in areas like finance, legal services, and tourism. This allows Hong Kong businesses to tap into a vast and lucrative market, offering their expertise and services to a wider customer base.

CEPA opens a door to the vast Chinese market for a wide range of Hong Kong stakeholders. Manufacturers can export goods tariff-free if their products meet the agreement's rules of origin requirements.  

Service providers and professionals are among the most well-positioned as CEPA provides access to new sectors and smoother entry procedures, allowing them to tap into a massive customer base. Meanwhile, foreign investors can establish companies in Hong Kong to enjoy CEPA advantages for both goods and services trade.

It is worth highlighting that CEPA isn't just limited to Hong Kong companies. Companies incorporated in Hong Kong by investors from outside the region can also benefit from the agreement's provisions, opening doors for international businesses looking to access the Chinese market through a Hong Kong base.

🔑 Read More: How To Make HKD To RMB Payments From Hong Kong

European Free Trade Association States

In 2011, Hong Kong and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) consisting of Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland signed a landmark free trade agreement covering trade in services and goods, investment, protection of intellectual property and more – creating a significant boost for businesses on both sides.  

A key advantage lies in the expanded access for Hong Kong service providers. The agreement covers a wide range of industries, from finance and professional services to communication and tourism.  

With zero restrictions on foreign capital, the value of service transactions, number of persons employed, or joint venture requirements for various service sectors, Hong Kong businesses can establish a strong presence and compete effectively within the EFTA markets. Additionally, streamlined procedures for temporary entry of professionals and business visitors further facilitate the trade of services between Hong Kong and EFTA member states.

Another major benefit is duty-free access for goods. Hong Kong manufacturers can export most industrial goods and processed agricultural products tariff-free to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.  

Manufacturers and exporters will also be exempted from anti-dumping duties, which is determined by the difference between the goods’ export price and its local price in Hong Kong. The EFTA simplifies customs procedures which means Hong Kong businesses will face less administrative work and enjoy faster movement of goods across borders.  


While FPS may suit the needs of smaller businesses or merchants, it will not be sufficient for a larger business that makes frequent payments of either HKD or RMB,

The ASEAN-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) presents a game-changer for Hong Kong businesses, particularly those dealing in goods and services. This agreement streamlines trade procedures, eliminates or reduces tariffs, and opens doors to new markets within all ASEAN member countries.

One of the most significant advantages of the AHKFTA is the substantial reduction or elimination of customs duties on traded goods. Hong Kong and Singapore committed to eliminate customs duties on all products upon the FTA coming into force, while Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand adopted a phased approach, committing to eliminate 85% of all tariff lines within 10 years. Indonesia and Vietnam have pledged to remove 75% of all tariff lines in the same period.  

🔑 Read More: The Wallex Country Report: Vietnam

Customs administration is another feature of the AHKFTA. It seeks to ensure consistent and predictable procedures across borders, reducing red tape and expediting the movement of goods. Businesses no longer have to navigate a complex web of varying customs regulations depending on the specific ASEAN country they are trading with.  

Additionally, traders can obtain written advance rulings on issues like product classification and origin, which were previously inconsistent and highly dependent on the Customs offices or authorities in question. This initiative offers more certainty, predictability, reliability and consistency in exporting and importing goods between ASEAN and Hong Kong, allowing businesses to plan their logistics and pricing strategies more effectively.  

Chapter 8 of the AHKFTA aims to expand trade in services among member countries through the removal of restrictive measures affecting trade in services. Such steps are especially important to manufacturers and traders of goods who likely need to undertake services-related activities to support their international business.  

Specifically, these rules require all parties to treat local and foreign suppliers equally in similar circumstances, and provide access to foreign service suppliers. Examples for the latter include the removal or reduction of restrictions on foreign capital participation, the value of service transactions, or the number of persons employed.

Key ASEAN member state have made some significant commitments market access under AHKFTA. Here’s a few of them:

  • Indonesia: Allows foreign equity participation not exceeding 51% (higher than the WTO’s 49%) for construction and related engineering services
  • Malaysia: Opens urban planning and landscape architectural services and maritime freight forwarding services
  • Philippines: Opens ship building services; allows foreign nationals in the financial leasing sector to own up to 50% of the voting stock  
  • Thailand: Opens arbitration services allowing foreign arbitrators to provide services in Thailand under domestic laws and regulations
🔑 Read More: The Wallex Country Report: Indonesia


The Australia-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement, along with the accompanying Investment Agreement, offers significant advantages for Hong Kong businesses. In particular, Hong Kong exporters are well-positioned to benefit from the FTA as it eliminates tariffs on a vast majority of goods entering the Australian market, effectively providing duty-free access for goods.

In the services sector, Australia has moved to liberalise the full range of arbitration, conciliation and mediation services and certain rail transport services. These are significant as Australia has not offered such commitments to its other FTA partners, except New Zealand. Australia has also made service commitments in sectors such as business, finance, and telecommunications, which are areas where Hong Kong has strengths for further development.

Professionals can travel freely between Hong Kong and Australia under the FTA, which allows businesses to deploy specialists for temporary on-site work on projects in Australia, such as engineers or financial consultants. Procedures for temporary entry and stay have been streamlined, allowing businesses to manage their workforce needs with greater ease.

Hong Kong investors in Australia will receive robust protections as well, with guarantees of non-discriminatory treatment for investments, fair and equitable treatment, and protection against expropriation. Investors can also freely transfer their investments and returns.

New Zealand

The New Zealand-Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEP Agreement) is very similar to the Australia-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement. For instance, it eliminates tariffs on all originating products from Hong Kong that comply with the preferential rules of origin and relevant procedures.  

Provisions are also in place to minimise the use of trade remedies, promote competition, ensure effective protection of intellectual property rights, and facilitate access to each other's government procurement markets.  

Market access across a wide range of service sectors is enhanced under the FTA, allowing Hong Kong service providers to operate with much more freedom and flexibility. This includes  

  • being treated no less favourably than their New Zealand counterparts in similar circumstances;  
  • being exempted from restriction in the form of limitations on foreign capital, value of service transactions or number of persons employed;
  • not being required to establish or maintain any form of enterprise, or to be resident, in New Zealand as a condition for the supply of cross-border trade in services
  • automatically enjoying liberalisation measures that New Zealand undertakes in future FTAs with other trading partners

Service sectors of traditional importance to Hong Kong are covered under these commitments, which include:

  • Education services
  • Medical services
  • Testing and certification services
  • Maritime transport services
  • Logistics and related services
  • Audiovisual services
  • Business services (accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, computer services, management consulting, services incidental to manufacturing)

The CEP Agreement also includes a set of robust disciplines on domestic regulation. It ensures that measures affecting trade in services are transparent, administered in a reasonable, objective and impartial manner, and do not become unnecessary barriers to trade.

🔑 Read More: Choosing the Best Multi-Currency Account for Businesses

Capitalise on Hong Kong’s FTAs with Wallex

As shown above, there are no shortage of ways to make payments of HKD to RMB. Still, each method has its own pros and cons and switching between different platforms to perform payments which give you the best fees or FX rates can get tedious quickly.

Wallex is designed to help businesses like yours to receive, hold, convert and pay with better speed, support and savings. Our fully digital platform makes payments to Hong Kong’s FTA partners fast and seamless, whether you’re converting HKD to CNH, HKD to PHP, HKD to EUR, or other currencies.  

Settlements take no more than one business day and with our global network of liquidity providers you’ll get the most competitive FX rates, zero hidden fees, and maximum savings.  

What truly makes Wallex the ideal partner for your cross-border needs is the support you’ll enjoy from your dedicated Account Manager. They will always be ready to support your business’s needs, assist to expedite urgent transactions, and address any issues you face.  

Are you ready to do business beyond Hong Kong? Speak to us today!

June 28, 2024

HMNS Boosts Savings and Operational Efficiency with Wallex

Transform your cross-border payments experience with Wallex. Discover how HMNS overcame hidden fees, time-consuming bank visits, and unpredictable currency fluctuations.
Business Tips
5 min

The Background

HMNS (pronounced “humans”) is a perfumery brand founded in 2019, primarily engaged in the manufacturing & retail of local perfumes, distributing them within the region.

To streamline their international transactions, particularly for sending payments to China and Malaysia, HMNS has leveraged the efficient services of Wallex, ensuring smooth and secure transactions that support their expanding business needs.

� Read More: Inside Look: Businesses Who Transformed Their Cross-Border Payments Experience With Wallex

The Challenge

Before switching to Wallex, HMNS faced significant challenges with a local bank, their previous payment provider.

Given that a substantial portion of their business relied on making international transactions, particularly sending payments to China and Malaysia, the continued challenges made it untenable for HMNS to operate efficiently, ultimately impacting their growth and process optimisation efforts.

Complicated processes

The banking processes HMNS had to navigate were cumbersome and time-consuming. Sending money to overseas partners and suppliers involved numerous steps and required extensive documentation, leading to inefficiencies and delays.

This complexity hindered HMNS’s ability to operate smoothly and respond swiftly to business needs.

Transaction delays

Slow transfer speeds were a persistent issue, with funds often getting "hung in the air" during each transaction, and take an extended time to reach the beneficiary. This delay, sometimes lasting up to three days, disrupted HMNS’s operational flow and caused significant frustration.

The unpredictability of when funds would land in the beneficiary's account created additional challenges in managing cash flow and meeting payment deadlines.

� Read More: La Cosecha Maintains A Healthy Cash Flow With Wallex

Lack of transparency

The bank's lack of accountability and transparency compounded these issues. HMNS frequently encountered situations where there was no clear explanation for transaction delays or problems.

The absence of straightforward communication and clarity from the bank left HMNS in the dark, unable to understand or resolve issues promptly, further exacerbating operational inefficiencies.

The #SwitchtoWallex

These challenges underscored the need for HMNS to source for a more convenient and time-efficient solution for the cross-border payment needs. The following includes a glimpse of the considerations behind why HMNS made the strategic decision to switch to Wallex.

Clarity of information

HMNS received clear and detailed information from the outset, including comprehensive insights into Wallex's offerings and the benefits they brought to the business. This transparency assured HMNS that they could effectively streamline their cross-border payment processes with Wallex.

Seamless platform interface

The Wallex platform offered an easy and intuitive transaction process. There were no complicated procedures or commitment fees when signing up, making the overall process straightforward and user-friendly for HMNS.

Highly responsive support team

HMNS experienced unparalleled support at every touchpoint from Wallex's highly responsive team. The level of support provided exceeded that of any other competitor HMNS had considered, giving them the peace of mind that switching to Wallex would ensure they were well supported.

� Read More: PT Intralab Ekatama Maximises Savings and Enhances Productivity with Wallex

The Result

Savings of up to 80% in transfer fees

Switching to Wallex resulted in savings of up to 80% in transfer fees for HMNS.

What was once IDR 400,000 per transaction became just IDR 80,000, dramatically reducing their expenses and significantly impacting their overall business cost savings.

International transactions settled within 24 hours

With Wallex, international transactions are settled within 24 hours, eliminating the need to wait more than a day for payments to process.

This efficiency in payment processing ensures that HMNS can maintain smooth and timely operations.

Highly competitive FX rates

Wallex provided HMNS with a competitive edge through favourable exchange rates, especially for MYR and USD.

These highly competitive FX rates contributed to substantial savings, enhancing the cost-effectiveness of their international transactions.

Hassle-free transaction experience

Here is a customer testimonial from Mrs Dina, Finance Accounting Manager of HMNS:

“Making a transaction on the Wallex platform is easy. We have never faced any issue when making our transactions.”

Experience the Wallex Difference

Wallex is recognised as a leading and secure payments solution tailored for businesses across industries. Trusted by companies of all sizes, Wallex facilitates seamless international payments in 46 currencies, spanning over 180 countries.

Our platform empowers customers to efficiently plan, manage, and hedge their FX needs, all through a secure interface, ensuring peace of mind during each cross-border transaction.

Embracing a forward-thinking approach, top-tier companies such as Investree, Style Theory, CodaPay, Ismaya Group, Marugame Udon, and 40,000+ customers in Asia have made the switch to Wallex, collectively trusting us with over SGD $10 billion in customer funds to transfer across borders.

To explore how Wallex can elevate your business's cross-border payment experience, speak to us today!

August 25, 2023

How Could De-dollarisation Disrupt the Global Economy?

Explore the potential consequences of de-dollarization on the global economy. Understand how a shift away from the US dollar as the world's primary reserve currency could impact international trade, financial markets, and geopolitical dynamics.
Business Tips
5 min

While it has yet to happen on a significant level, there are murmurs of de-dollarisation among nations who want to reduce their reliance on the US dollar. If such a movement were to gain momentum it could have significant implications for the global economic situation.

In this article, we will take a look at what some of these implications may be, how it affects other currencies, the way nations and businesses transact, and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • De-dollarisation is the process of a country reducing its reliance on the USD in international transactions
  • Such strategies may be motivated by concerns over the United States’ fiscal policies, economic performance, and geopolitical hostilities
  • De-dollarisation could trigger market instability and shift the dynamics of cross-border trade

Understanding de-dollarisation

De-dollarisation refers to the process in which countries reduce their dependence on the US dollar and diversify their currency reserves. This movement has already gained some traction in recent years, with several countries taking steps to shift away from the USD in their economic dealings.

However, the US dollar has been the world’s reserve currency for over 70 years. Why would a country want to take the potentially risky decision to move away what is traditionally considered to the a safe haven?

Let's look at some key reasons.

1. Fears over stability

As it stands, the USD is the dominant currency in the world, and was used in nearly 80% of global trade between 1999 and 2019. This gives the US a huge amount of power when it comes to setting interest rates, trade policies and other economic factors. But this, alongside concerns over inflation and the United States' budget deficit, may create large fluctuations in its value, which can be concerning for countries who hold significant amounts of USD.

2. Geopolitical tensionand hostilities

Among other tensions, the United States and its partners such as the EU are often at loggerheads with countries such as China, Iran and Russia, which typically result in trade sanctions being levied. Countries on the receiving end of these sanctions would have reduced access global markets, causing economic disruption.

3. Rising economic competition

Being the second largest economy in the world has made the Chinese yuan one of the biggest threats to the USD, and the country is also actively leading heading efforts to accelerate the movement, particularly alongside its peers in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China South Africa) nations, who account for 26% of the global economy. Increasingly, more countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Indonesia are also looking to join the bloc.

4. Cryptocurrencies

Another factor catalysing de-dollarisation is the emergence of cryptocurrencies, which many feel may potentially be an alternative to fiat. Some, like Bitcoin, are fully decentralised and insulated from interference by institutions like central banks, making them an attractive alternative.  Already, countries like Venezuela have fully embraced Bitcoin in their bid to de-dollarise, and Honduras has set up a special economic zone where Bitcoin is accepted as legal tender.

Potential impacts of de-dollarisation on the global economy

No one can say for certain what can happen in a world where the USD is not the de facto currency because there are many variables to consider, such as the extent of de-dollarisation, and which currencies emerge to take its place, if any.

In the hypothethical event that the US dollar is ever dethroned, there is little doubt that global financial markets will be thrust into turmoil, with the scenarios below being potential outcomes.

Reshape hierarchy between currencies

De-dollarisation could fundamentally alter the balance of power among different currencies in the global financial system. Should nations ever actively distance themselves from the USD, currencies from some of the largest economies or blocs could gain greater prominence in international transactions, particularly those of major economies such as the euro, yen, and yuan.

  • Euro: The euro could become the primary currency for trade within the European Union and could also gain greater acceptance for international transactions.
  • Yen: The yen may benefit from Japan's position as a major creditor nation and its role as a hub for financial markets in Asia.
  • Yuan: The yuan could become a more widely used currency for international transactions, particularly in Asia, as China seeks to strengthen its economic and financial influence.

Currently, the USD, the euro, the yen, the pound sterling, and the Swiss franc are the primary reserve currencies, with the USD making up nearly 60% of total global foreign exchange reserves. If the de-dollarisation movement ever gains pace, other currencies may take its spot. For instance, China's yuan has become increasingly popular in international payments and could emerge as a viable substitute.

The transition to alternative reserve currencies could lead to changes in the structure of the international monetary system. Multilateral efforts might arise to create mechanisms for stabilising and coordinating different reserve currencies. These efforts could involve the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other international organisations coming together to ensure the stability and liquidity of the global financial system in the absence of a single dominant currency.

🔑Read more: Foreign Exchange (Forex) Rates: How Do They Actually Work?

Introduce market volatility and instability

Exchange rate fluctuations between the USD and other currencies could trigger significant movements in currency markets, impacting international trade competitiveness, cross-border investments, and even triggering speculative trading. Such exchange rate volatility can create uncertainty for businesses and investors, affecting their risk management strategies and decision-making processes.

Capital flows would almost certainly be affected as investors reassess their portfolios in response to changing currency dynamics.

Financial institutions and governments are likely to respond by developing new risk management frameworks. Hedging mechanisms such as currency swaps, options, and forward contracts, might become more prominent, and new financial instruments may even emerge.

Shift dynamics of cross-border trade

Almost immediately, there would be newfound complexities over the way nations approach existing trade agreements and frameworks. Without a standard underlying currency, they would have to renegotiate, redraw, or even reconsider these contracts, which could hurt employment, agricultural output, manufacturing and more on both sides of the equation.

Businesses might also have to prepare themselves for higher transaction costs because now, they would need to convert currencies more often and navigate more complex payment systems. The use of multiple currencies and settlement systems could also make international transactions more complex and less efficient.

Complications are likely to arise in the commodities market where oil, gold, grain, and others are usually quoted in USD. The shift to another currency may make trading difficult, with other consequences that range from trade imbalances to supply chain shortages and even food security concerns.

One bright spot that de-dollarisation shines on trade is that it could potentially open up new markets and opportunities for countries that have never been heavily reliant on the USD. Gaining new access to diverse currency markets could promote economic growth and diversification for these countries and pave the way for stronger financial inclusion worldwide.

Accelerate adoption of cryptocurrencies

In a world where the dollar is no longer king, there is a possibility that digital currencies will play an important role in international transactions. One of the primary advantages of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is its decentralised nature, making it less susceptible to government or central bank interference.

Bitcoin has already emerged as a potential alternative to traditional fiat currencies in international transactions. In recent years, many cryptocurrency exchanges have begun offering services to facilitate cross-border payments, allowing users to send and receive funds in various digital currencies, making it a viable option for those seeking to reduce their reliance on traditional banking systems and fiat currencies.

Moreover, cryptocurrencies may also provide a solution to the challenges posed by fluctuating exchange rates and the costs associated with currency conversion. As digital currencies become more widely accepted, they could help to streamline international transactions and reduce overhead costs for businesses.

Drive up debt that has been issued in dollars

Nations and companies that have issued dollar-denominated debt might face challenges as the value of their domestic currency may depreciate relative to the dollar, drastically increasing the cost of servicing the debt.

For emerging market economies, the risk and costs involved will be more severe as a further weakening of their currency against the USD could lead to budgetary pressures, economic instability, and potential sovereign default risks.

Investors are likely to reassess their appetite for dollar-denominated debt from countries undergoing de-dollarisation as well. Faced with higher currency risk, investors will demand higher yields as compensation, making it more expensive for these countries to access international capital markets. This could limit their ability to raise funds for development and investment projects.

Could de-dollarisation really happen?

One thing to note is that the scenarios listed above are just possibilities, which means it is unlikely to happen in the near future. While there have been efforts by countries like China and Russia to promote the use of their own currencies, the USD still accounts for the majority of cross-border payments.

The pace of de-dollarisation efforts is also uncertain, with some countries and regions moving faster than others. The success of these efforts will depend on a variety of factors, including political stability, economic growth, and technological advancements.

While there may be growing interest in diversifying currency reserves, concerns about the viability and readiness of alternative currencies persist. The complexities and uncertainties surrounding alternative currencies, combined with the intricate web of global financial relationships, indicate that a complete de-dollarisation in the near future is highly improbable.

Hedge against currency volatility with Wallex

Fluctuations in currency values are a given, and the best way to hedge your risk is to diversify your currency holdings. Wallex lets you do just that with its Multi-Currency Account, allowing you to hold 13 top global and Asian currencies including the GBP, EUR, SGD, CHF, and JPY.

The Multi-Currency Account also makes it possible for you to hold currencies for as long as you want, so you can easily manage your currencies and time your conversions to when rates are favourable.

Wallex, however, does more than help you hedge against currency volatility. Our platform takes away the complexities and costs that businesses face when moving money across borders. Payments are faster and easier with Local transfers, collections can be made in 36 different currencies, and you can enjoy round-the-clock support from a dedicated Account Manager should you encounter any issue.

Learn more about Wallex here or get in touch today!

July 26, 2024

What Free Trade Agreements Can Hong Kong Businesses Capitalise On?

Discover how Hong Kong businesses can leverage key Free Trade Agreements to access global markets, reduce tariffs, and streamline cross-border trade. Explore the benefits of FTAs with China, EFTA, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand.
5 min

Hong Kong's position as a global financial hub is further bolstered by its extensive network of free trade agreements (FTAs). These agreements act as bridges, connecting Hong Kong businesses to lucrative markets worldwide and simplifying cross-border trade.  

Let's delve deeper into some key agreements and explore the specific benefits they offer to various industries.

A Closer Look at Key Trade Agreements

In this article, we will be focusing on the first five FTAs due to their greater economic significance.


The Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic and Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) is the first and potentially most important FTA signed by Hong Kong. The FTA covers four key areas:

  • Trade in goods
  • Trade in services
  • Investment
  • Economic and technical cooperation

One of the most significant benefits of CEPA is the elimination of tariffs on most goods manufactured in Hong Kong that meet the agreement's rules of origin. This translates to increased competitiveness for Hong Kong businesses, as they can now offer their products to mainland China customers without the burden of import duties.  

Additionally, CEPA simplifies customs procedures and reduces trade barriers, saving businesses time and money when shipping goods across the border.

Beyond facilitating the export of goods, CEPA opens doors for Hong Kong service providers in a wide range of industries. The agreement grants access to mainland China's service sector in areas like finance, legal services, and tourism. This allows Hong Kong businesses to tap into a vast and lucrative market, offering their expertise and services to a wider customer base.

CEPA opens a door to the vast Chinese market for a wide range of Hong Kong stakeholders. Manufacturers can export goods tariff-free if their products meet the agreement's rules of origin requirements.  

Service providers and professionals are among the most well-positioned as CEPA provides access to new sectors and smoother entry procedures, allowing them to tap into a massive customer base. Meanwhile, foreign investors can establish companies in Hong Kong to enjoy CEPA advantages for both goods and services trade.

It is worth highlighting that CEPA isn't just limited to Hong Kong companies. Companies incorporated in Hong Kong by investors from outside the region can also benefit from the agreement's provisions, opening doors for international businesses looking to access the Chinese market through a Hong Kong base.

🔑 Read More: How To Make HKD To RMB Payments From Hong Kong

European Free Trade Association States

In 2011, Hong Kong and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) consisting of Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland signed a landmark free trade agreement covering trade in services and goods, investment, protection of intellectual property and more – creating a significant boost for businesses on both sides.  

A key advantage lies in the expanded access for Hong Kong service providers. The agreement covers a wide range of industries, from finance and professional services to communication and tourism.  

With zero restrictions on foreign capital, the value of service transactions, number of persons employed, or joint venture requirements for various service sectors, Hong Kong businesses can establish a strong presence and compete effectively within the EFTA markets. Additionally, streamlined procedures for temporary entry of professionals and business visitors further facilitate the trade of services between Hong Kong and EFTA member states.

Another major benefit is duty-free access for goods. Hong Kong manufacturers can export most industrial goods and processed agricultural products tariff-free to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.  

Manufacturers and exporters will also be exempted from anti-dumping duties, which is determined by the difference between the goods’ export price and its local price in Hong Kong. The EFTA simplifies customs procedures which means Hong Kong businesses will face less administrative work and enjoy faster movement of goods across borders.  


While FPS may suit the needs of smaller businesses or merchants, it will not be sufficient for a larger business that makes frequent payments of either HKD or RMB,

The ASEAN-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) presents a game-changer for Hong Kong businesses, particularly those dealing in goods and services. This agreement streamlines trade procedures, eliminates or reduces tariffs, and opens doors to new markets within all ASEAN member countries.

One of the most significant advantages of the AHKFTA is the substantial reduction or elimination of customs duties on traded goods. Hong Kong and Singapore committed to eliminate customs duties on all products upon the FTA coming into force, while Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand adopted a phased approach, committing to eliminate 85% of all tariff lines within 10 years. Indonesia and Vietnam have pledged to remove 75% of all tariff lines in the same period.  

🔑 Read More: The Wallex Country Report: Vietnam

Customs administration is another feature of the AHKFTA. It seeks to ensure consistent and predictable procedures across borders, reducing red tape and expediting the movement of goods. Businesses no longer have to navigate a complex web of varying customs regulations depending on the specific ASEAN country they are trading with.  

Additionally, traders can obtain written advance rulings on issues like product classification and origin, which were previously inconsistent and highly dependent on the Customs offices or authorities in question. This initiative offers more certainty, predictability, reliability and consistency in exporting and importing goods between ASEAN and Hong Kong, allowing businesses to plan their logistics and pricing strategies more effectively.  

Chapter 8 of the AHKFTA aims to expand trade in services among member countries through the removal of restrictive measures affecting trade in services. Such steps are especially important to manufacturers and traders of goods who likely need to undertake services-related activities to support their international business.  

Specifically, these rules require all parties to treat local and foreign suppliers equally in similar circumstances, and provide access to foreign service suppliers. Examples for the latter include the removal or reduction of restrictions on foreign capital participation, the value of service transactions, or the number of persons employed.

Key ASEAN member state have made some significant commitments market access under AHKFTA. Here’s a few of them:

  • Indonesia: Allows foreign equity participation not exceeding 51% (higher than the WTO’s 49%) for construction and related engineering services
  • Malaysia: Opens urban planning and landscape architectural services and maritime freight forwarding services
  • Philippines: Opens ship building services; allows foreign nationals in the financial leasing sector to own up to 50% of the voting stock  
  • Thailand: Opens arbitration services allowing foreign arbitrators to provide services in Thailand under domestic laws and regulations
🔑 Read More: The Wallex Country Report: Indonesia


The Australia-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement, along with the accompanying Investment Agreement, offers significant advantages for Hong Kong businesses. In particular, Hong Kong exporters are well-positioned to benefit from the FTA as it eliminates tariffs on a vast majority of goods entering the Australian market, effectively providing duty-free access for goods.

In the services sector, Australia has moved to liberalise the full range of arbitration, conciliation and mediation services and certain rail transport services. These are significant as Australia has not offered such commitments to its other FTA partners, except New Zealand. Australia has also made service commitments in sectors such as business, finance, and telecommunications, which are areas where Hong Kong has strengths for further development.

Professionals can travel freely between Hong Kong and Australia under the FTA, which allows businesses to deploy specialists for temporary on-site work on projects in Australia, such as engineers or financial consultants. Procedures for temporary entry and stay have been streamlined, allowing businesses to manage their workforce needs with greater ease.

Hong Kong investors in Australia will receive robust protections as well, with guarantees of non-discriminatory treatment for investments, fair and equitable treatment, and protection against expropriation. Investors can also freely transfer their investments and returns.

New Zealand

The New Zealand-Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEP Agreement) is very similar to the Australia-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement. For instance, it eliminates tariffs on all originating products from Hong Kong that comply with the preferential rules of origin and relevant procedures.  

Provisions are also in place to minimise the use of trade remedies, promote competition, ensure effective protection of intellectual property rights, and facilitate access to each other's government procurement markets.  

Market access across a wide range of service sectors is enhanced under the FTA, allowing Hong Kong service providers to operate with much more freedom and flexibility. This includes  

  • being treated no less favourably than their New Zealand counterparts in similar circumstances;  
  • being exempted from restriction in the form of limitations on foreign capital, value of service transactions or number of persons employed;
  • not being required to establish or maintain any form of enterprise, or to be resident, in New Zealand as a condition for the supply of cross-border trade in services
  • automatically enjoying liberalisation measures that New Zealand undertakes in future FTAs with other trading partners

Service sectors of traditional importance to Hong Kong are covered under these commitments, which include:

  • Education services
  • Medical services
  • Testing and certification services
  • Maritime transport services
  • Logistics and related services
  • Audiovisual services
  • Business services (accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, computer services, management consulting, services incidental to manufacturing)

The CEP Agreement also includes a set of robust disciplines on domestic regulation. It ensures that measures affecting trade in services are transparent, administered in a reasonable, objective and impartial manner, and do not become unnecessary barriers to trade.

🔑 Read More: Choosing the Best Multi-Currency Account for Businesses

Capitalise on Hong Kong’s FTAs with Wallex

As shown above, there are no shortage of ways to make payments of HKD to RMB. Still, each method has its own pros and cons and switching between different platforms to perform payments which give you the best fees or FX rates can get tedious quickly.

Wallex is designed to help businesses like yours to receive, hold, convert and pay with better speed, support and savings. Our fully digital platform makes payments to Hong Kong’s FTA partners fast and seamless, whether you’re converting HKD to CNH, HKD to PHP, HKD to EUR, or other currencies.  

Settlements take no more than one business day and with our global network of liquidity providers you’ll get the most competitive FX rates, zero hidden fees, and maximum savings.  

What truly makes Wallex the ideal partner for your cross-border needs is the support you’ll enjoy from your dedicated Account Manager. They will always be ready to support your business’s needs, assist to expedite urgent transactions, and address any issues you face.  

Are you ready to do business beyond Hong Kong? Speak to us today!

April 27, 2022


5 min





一家中小型企业每月至少向供应商付款 10 到 20 次。现在,越来越多的公司与国际供应商合作,以利用更低的成本、专业知识或能力、优化的生产实践、行业领先的位置和潜在的规模经济。但与此同时,他们面临着有效管理供应商付款的挑战:

  • 给不同的供应商
  • 在一个月的不同时间
  • 使用不同的付款方式
  • 多币种
  • 以尽可能低的成本
  • 在线进行高价值交易


银行收取高达 3-5% 的费用,有时甚至更高。转账金额越高,费用越高。一些银行会根据您汇款的货币收取不同的费率。


除了如此高的银行费用外,您的公司还必须应对不利的汇率。与您在 Google 上看到的相比,银行提供的货币汇率始终较低。他们还对国际外汇 (FX) 转账收取显着的加价。随着时间的推移,这些高昂的转账费用(1.5% 或更高)和外汇转换费用会增加您的成本,并影响您的最终利润。


如何使用 Wallex 简化供应商付款

Wallex 提供定制的、低成本的跨境供应商支付解决方案,因此您可以按时足额向所有国际供应商付款。银行经常收取任意费用和佣金,其中许多是隐藏的,客户不知道。他们还隐藏真实汇率以增加利润。 Wallex 消除了这些问题,没有隐藏成本和 100% 透明的传输过程。通过单一平台,您可以管理所有跨境支付和交易外汇。与银行相比,使用 Wallex,您可以获得最佳汇率和极低的交易费用。这意味着您可以在每笔支付交易中省钱,从而降低成本和提高利润。

印度尼西亚的金融科技公司 Investree 通过 Wallex 节省了 70% 的跨境支付费用。像他们一样,Wallex 可以帮助您简化供应商付款,无论他们在哪里或他们(或您)使用哪种货币。快速、及时的付款还可以帮助您加强与供应商的关系,从长远来看,这可以为您的业务带来许多好处。

以下是您通过 Wallex 获得的一些银行转账无法实现的优势:

  • 以 46 种货币向 180 多个国家/地区进行低成本付款
  • 获得最公平的外汇汇率和最低的费用,以降低成本并提高利润率
  • 收款速度比国际电汇快 4 倍
  • 实时跟踪付款
  • 端到端加密保护您在传输中的资金
  • 专门的客户经理可快速解决查询并解决任何问题
  • 其他简化跨境供应商支付的世界级功能

大多数企业与多个供应商合作,平均每月至少向供应商付款 25 到 30 次。那么您如何管理这些多个供应商/付款/货币?你:

  • 使用电子表格维护和跟踪发票
  • 手动计算和扣除税款
  • 进行手动对帐
  • 当您在银行的付款帐户中添加新供应商作为受益人时必须等待
  • 担心安全问题
  • 担心履行合规责任

这些都是与国际供应商合作的公司面临的共同挑战。 Wallex 通过其简单、低成本的自动化支付解决方案为所有这些问题提供解决方案。

除了透明的外汇汇率、低费用和快速转账外,Wallex 还提供专为与多家国际供应商合作的企业设计的功能:

  • 批量付款和审批:一次性上传多笔付款
  • 多级审批人矩阵:为了更好的公司治理
  • 利率锁定 24 小时:保护您的组织免受货币波动的影响

免费开始使用 Wallex


切换到 Wallex 的低成本、快速和透明的供应商支付解决方案,体验跨境贸易的所有优势。单击此处免费开始。

April 27, 2022


5 min





一家中小型企业每月至少向供应商付款 10 到 20 次。现在,越来越多的公司与国际供应商合作,以利用更低的成本、专业知识或能力、优化的生产实践、行业领先的位置和潜在的规模经济。但与此同时,他们面临着有效管理供应商付款的挑战:

  • 给不同的供应商
  • 在一个月的不同时间
  • 使用不同的付款方式
  • 多币种
  • 以尽可能低的成本
  • 在线进行高价值交易


银行收取高达 3-5% 的费用,有时甚至更高。转账金额越高,费用越高。一些银行会根据您汇款的货币收取不同的费率。


除了如此高的银行费用外,您的公司还必须应对不利的汇率。与您在 Google 上看到的相比,银行提供的货币汇率始终较低。他们还对国际外汇 (FX) 转账收取显着的加价。随着时间的推移,这些高昂的转账费用(1.5% 或更高)和外汇转换费用会增加您的成本,并影响您的最终利润。


如何使用 Wallex 简化供应商付款

Wallex 提供定制的、低成本的跨境供应商支付解决方案,因此您可以按时足额向所有国际供应商付款。银行经常收取任意费用和佣金,其中许多是隐藏的,客户不知道。他们还隐藏真实汇率以增加利润。 Wallex 消除了这些问题,没有隐藏成本和 100% 透明的传输过程。通过单一平台,您可以管理所有跨境支付和交易外汇。与银行相比,使用 Wallex,您可以获得最佳汇率和极低的交易费用。这意味着您可以在每笔支付交易中省钱,从而降低成本和提高利润。

印度尼西亚的金融科技公司 Investree 通过 Wallex 节省了 70% 的跨境支付费用。像他们一样,Wallex 可以帮助您简化供应商付款,无论他们在哪里或他们(或您)使用哪种货币。快速、及时的付款还可以帮助您加强与供应商的关系,从长远来看,这可以为您的业务带来许多好处。

以下是您通过 Wallex 获得的一些银行转账无法实现的优势:

  • 以 46 种货币向 180 多个国家/地区进行低成本付款
  • 获得最公平的外汇汇率和最低的费用,以降低成本并提高利润率
  • 收款速度比国际电汇快 4 倍
  • 实时跟踪付款
  • 端到端加密保护您在传输中的资金
  • 专门的客户经理可快速解决查询并解决任何问题
  • 其他简化跨境供应商支付的世界级功能

大多数企业与多个供应商合作,平均每月至少向供应商付款 25 到 30 次。那么您如何管理这些多个供应商/付款/货币?你:

  • 使用电子表格维护和跟踪发票
  • 手动计算和扣除税款
  • 进行手动对帐
  • 当您在银行的付款帐户中添加新供应商作为受益人时必须等待
  • 担心安全问题
  • 担心履行合规责任

这些都是与国际供应商合作的公司面临的共同挑战。 Wallex 通过其简单、低成本的自动化支付解决方案为所有这些问题提供解决方案。

除了透明的外汇汇率、低费用和快速转账外,Wallex 还提供专为与多家国际供应商合作的企业设计的功能:

  • 批量付款和审批:一次性上传多笔付款
  • 多级审批人矩阵:为了更好的公司治理
  • 利率锁定 24 小时:保护您的组织免受货币波动的影响

免费开始使用 Wallex


切换到 Wallex 的低成本、快速和透明的供应商支付解决方案,体验跨境贸易的所有优势。单击此处免费开始。

September 7, 2023

使用 SWIFT 進行 B2B 付款,還有其他選擇嗎?

隨時瞭解 Wallex 的即時 Swift 匯率。 獲取無縫國際交易和貨幣兌換的準確和最新匯率。
5 min

使用 SWIFT 進行 B2B 付款,還有其他選擇嗎?

首先,是否有 SWIFT 支付的替代方案?

嗯,是的,也不是——是的,有競爭對手;是的,有競爭對手。 不,沒有任何直接替代品。

綜上所述,存在其他消息傳遞網絡,它們各自有自己的一套優勢,但它們也受到地域的高度限制。 這違背了 SWIFT 網絡的主要目標,即標準化銀行和金融實體之間的消息傳遞和通信,以避免錯誤信息。

另一方面,還有區塊鏈應用和加密貨幣。 這些都是很好的選擇,更重要的是,它們是無國界的,但它們的估值波動和缺乏接受度使得任何企業都很難與它們進行交易。

話雖如此,讓我們深入探討 SWIFT 支付替代方案的實質內容以及 SWIFT 網絡的未來。


自 1973 年成立以來,環球銀行金融電信協會 (SWIFT) 一直是國際支付的標準¹。 如今,超過 11,000 家銀行和金融機構使用此消息網絡進行通信。 2022 年,SWIFT 網絡平均每條記錄有 4480 萬 條消息天。

可以肯定地說,半個世紀後,SWIFT 網絡仍然是全球匯款領域的老大哥。

這也並不奇怪,因為 SWIFT 網絡在 200 多個國家/地區運營,並確保所有付款都是真實的、未更改的且具有法律約束力。 從本質上講,該網絡使國際支付變得負責任、可訪問且透明。

SWIFT 有哪些限制?

SWIFT 網絡最顯著的缺點之一是處理時間。

通常,對於跨境 SWIFT 支付,轉賬會經過網絡內的多家銀行,並在到達目的地之前經過複雜的驗證過程。 因此,標準的全球支付平均需要兩到五天才能完成。

不僅如此,經過多家中介銀行不可避免地會增加最終成本。 這不僅使其成為一種昂貴的全球支付解決方案,而且由於成本的不確定性,企業也很難提前計劃。

多年來,隨著全球化的加速,出現了對 SWIFT 替代方案的需求。


全球轉賬 SWIFT 的 5 種最佳替代方案

當 SWIFT 首次進入市場時,沒有其他系統能夠為國際支付提供與 SWIFT 相同的價值。 但隨著全球支付領域的成熟以及技術的發展,出現了多種 SWIFT 替代方案。



由於其成本效益和效率,使用加密貨幣向國外匯款已變得越來越流行。 此過程涉及使用加密錢包、新銀行或加密集成的金融科技平台在法定貨幣和加密貨幣之間進行轉換。 從技術上來說,這個過程被稱為“入口匝道”和“出口匝道”。

這不僅適用於比特幣(BTC)和以太坊(ETH)等流行的去中心化貨幣,還適用於央行發行的央行數字貨幣(CBDC)。 這些基於區塊鏈技術的貨幣使用戶能夠安全地進行點對點跨境實時交易。 除此之外,結算也幾乎是即時的,因為它不需要任何中介機構。


保護——儘管區塊鍊為加密交易提供了強大的防禦,但用戶仍然容易受到各種欺詐,因為它仍然是一個不受監管的市場。 實際上,即使交易過程中因技術故障而損失的資金也可能很難收回。 而一些企業不願意接受這種權衡。

可用性——加密行業仍在尋找實現大規模採用的方法。 關鍵詞:依然。 在那之前,大多數用戶必須先將其加密貨幣轉換為法定貨幣,然後才能使用它們。

波動性——加密貨幣因其波動性而臭名昭著。 有一天,你錢包裡的硬幣可能價值 1,000 美元,但第二天,它們可能只值 800 美元。 這使得任何企業都很難進行加密貨幣交易。


本地轉賬是通過金融機構網絡將資金發送至收款人本地銀行賬戶的過程。 與使用消息服務網絡的 SWIFT 不同,本地轉賬是一種更直接的方法,可以將資金從賬戶 A 轉賬到賬戶 B。因此,這可以縮短處理和結算時間。

此外,通過本地支付路徑,它消除了通常在 SWIFT 支付中收取的國際支付費用,從而降低了整體交易成本。

本地轉賬的一個示例是自動清算所 (ACH) 轉賬,它允許通過自動清算所網絡進行銀行間轉賬。


SEPA 是單一歐洲支付區的縮寫,通常被稱為歐洲 SWIFT 網絡,因為這些網絡之間的主要區別在於其地理範圍。 SWIFT 支持全球範圍內的國際轉賬,而 SEPA 僅支持歐元區的轉賬。 與 SWIFT 覆蓋 200 多個國家的龐大網絡相比,SEPA 只有 36 個成員國。

要進行SEPA付款,用戶只需要一個歐元賬戶和收款人的國際銀行賬號(IBAN); 無需銀行識別碼 (BIC)。 與需要銀行和收款人詳細信息的 SWIFT 相比,SEPA 更方便、更輕鬆。

儘管如此,與 SWIFT 支付一樣,SEPA 支付也面臨處理時間(最多可能需要三天)和交易成本較高的問題。


2015年,中國推出跨境銀行間支付系統(CIPS),推動人民幣在國際貿易結算中的使用。 該系統提供連接境內和離岸清算市場以及參與銀行的清算和結算服務。



間接參與者——這些參與者是通過直接參與者獲得 CIPS 提供的間接服務的參與者。

根據戰略與國際研究中心的數據,CIPS 日均交易量約為 3850 億元人民幣(456 億美元)。

CIPS 與其他替代方案的區別如下:CIPS 並不是為了取代 SWIFT 而設計的。 相反,它與 SWIFT 合作,並在高價值全球人民幣交易中使用 SWIFT 兼容的消息。


俄羅斯中央銀行自 2014 年以來一直在開發金融消息傳輸系統 (SFPS)。與其他消息系統類似,該網絡的成員可以發送和接收金融消息。

該系統旨在創建和處理 UFEBS(電子銀行報文統一格式)和 MT 格式的文檔,這些格式與 SWIFT 的報文格式相當。

儘管該網絡已經存在八年多了,但僅由大約 400 名成員組成。 這很大程度上是由於大多數國際銀行出於擔心西方制裁等政治原因而拒絕加入SPFS。

🔑閱讀更多:什麼是 MT103 文件?

SWIFT 替代方案有何影響?

據報告 來自國際清算銀行。 但如果CIPS和SPFS等替代方案繼續擴大,就會構成去美元化威脅,美元可能會逐漸失去對世界經濟的控制力。

中國有雄心使其貨幣人民幣成為世界主要儲備貨幣,但由於嚴格的外匯管制,它還有很長的路要走。 不僅如此,它也不能完全兌換為其他全球貨幣。

另一方面,俄羅斯已開始要求以當地貨幣盧布支付能源費用。 因此,該行業替代貨幣的崛起可能會對以美元計價的世界貿易體系產生連鎖反應。

SWIFT 支付的未來

儘管制定新的全球支付標準存在競爭,SWIFT 仍在繼續開發和集成新功能,例如 SWIFT gpi(全球支付創新)。 該舉措將傳統的 SWIFT 報文和銀行系統與一套新的規則相結合,包括費用透明度、端到端支付跟踪以及接收方賬戶的信用確認。

儘管仍有改進的空間,但 SWIFT gpi 是朝著解決數十年之久的速度和透明度問題的正確方向邁出的一步。

Wallex 如何幫助您進行全球支付?

如果您正在尋找全球支付服務提供商,請查看我們的跨境支付解決方案, 其中包括 SWIFT² 和本地轉帳。 我們努力通過實時跟踪並以優於市場的成本在最短的時間內交付付款。 請聯繫我們的定制客戶支持團隊此處或在此處註冊帳戶此處


² Wallex 讓客戶能夠透過我們的銀行合作夥伴網路進行 SWIFT 轉帳。

July 20, 2024

Wawasan Industri Wallex: Tekstil & Garmen di Vietnam

Seri wawasan industri Wallex dirancang untuk memberikan perspektif berharga tentang industri-industri utama yang mendorong pertumbuhan di ekonomi dinamis di seluruh wilayah. Jelajahi wawasan terbaru tentang industri tekstil dan pakaian di Vietnam dan temukan bagaimana transaksi lintas batas yang mulus dengan Wallex dapat mendukung kesuksesan Anda di pasar Vietnam.
Business Tips
5 min

Industri tekstil dan garmen Vietnam merupakan pemain penting di pasar global, dan merupakan eksportir garmen terbesar kedua di dunia setelah Tiongkok.

Perkiraan nilai ekspor sepanjang tahun 2023 adalah sekitar USD $40 miliar. Di balik landasan ekonomi ini terdapat 6.000 perusahaan yang mempekerjakan 2,5 juta orang, melayani pasar- pasar penting secara global, termasuk Amerika Serikat, Eropa, Jepang, Afrika, dan Timur Tengah. Sektor ini menyumbang 16% terhadap keseluruhan pendapatan ekspor Vietnam.

Menggambarkan industri ini sebagai landasan pertumbuhan ekonomi Vietnam tidaklah berlebihan, dan pemerintah berdedikasi untuk membantu perkembangannya. Bergabunglah bersama kami hari ini untuk mendalami inisiatif dukungan bagi industri tekstil dan garmen di Vietnam!  

Mengapa perusahaan global merujuk ke Vietnam untuk membangun bisnis tekstil dan garmen?

Ada tiga alasan utama mengapa Vietnam menonjol sebagai tujuan manufaktur tekstil dan garmen bagi perusahaan-perusahaan global. Mari kita lihat lebih dekat masing-masingnya.

🔑 Read More: Wallex Country Report: Vietnam

Biaya kompetitif

menekan biaya mereka semaksimal mungkin. Antara tahun 2020 dan 2023, upah bulanan rata-rata pekerja Vietnam di negara tersebut mencapai sekitar USD $330 atau setara dengan Rp 5 juta.

Jika dibandingkan dengan biaya tenaga kerja di negara-negara pengekspor tekstil dan garmen lain di kawasan ini seperti Bangladesh, Kamboja, dan Tiongkok, Vietnam sebenarnya berada di peringkat tengah. Misalnya, upah bulanan rata-rata pekerja tekstil di Bangladesh berkisar antara USD $95, sementara di Tiongkok berkisar antara USD $161 hingga USD $357.

Namun biaya hanyalah salah satu bagian dari alasan mengapa para pelaku usaha berbisnis di Vietnam. Di bawah ini, kita melihat alasan lain mengapa Vietnam masuk menjadi pertimbangan dan dipilih sebagai negara manufaktur tekstil dan garmen dibandingkan negara-negara lain.

Terdapat banyak perjanjian perdagangan bebas yang telah disepakati.

Dapat dilihat bahwa Vietnam bertekad untuk membuka peluang bagi para pengusaha untuk berbisnis. Mereka telah menandatangani daftar lengkap perjanjian perdagangan bebas / Free Trade Agreement (FTA) dengan beberapa negara lain dan terutama dengan negara blok-blok regional, bernegosiasi untuk kondisi yang menguntungkan yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mengekspor lebih mudah dan dengan biaya yang lebih rendah ke pasar-pasar lain.

Perjanjian-perjanjian penting untuk industri tekstil termasuk Perjanjian Perdagangan Bebas Uni Eropa – Vietnam / EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) dan Perjanjian Kemitraan Komprehensif dan Progresif untuk Trans-Pacific/Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Kedua perjanjian ini mengurangi tarif barang ekspor Vietnam dan membuka pasar baru bagi industri tekstil dan garmen negara tersebut.  


Letak geografis Vietnam di Asia Tenggara memberikan keuntungan strategis bagi industri tekstil dan garmen. Terletak di tengah-tengah dan dekat dengan pasar impor utama seperti Tiongkok dan India, Vietnam mendapatkan akses yang cepat terhadap bahan mentah seperti kapas, benang, dan kain. Kedekatan ini memungkinkan pengiriman yang lebih cepat dan mendukung kelancaran produksi pabrik-pabrik.

Selain itu, Vietnam memiliki garis pantai yang panjang, yang telah dimanfaatkan dengan membangun pelabuhan-pelabuhan modern di sepanjang pantai. Hal ini membantu dalam impor bahan mentah dan ekspor produk jadi dengan lebih efisien melalui transportasi laut, yang sangat penting dalam jaringan perdagangan global.

Posisi geografis Vietnam yang dekat dengan pasar konsumen utama di Asia seperti Jepang dan Korea Selatan, serta sebagai pemasok utama di Tiongkok, memungkinkan proses penerimaan bahan mentah dan pengiriman produk garmen siap pakai menjadi lebih cepat dan ekonomis. Ini menjadi keuntungan signifikan terutama bagi perusahaan fast-fashion yang harus responsif terhadap perubahan tren dengan cepat.

Tantangan utama: Keberlanjutan usaha dan ketersediaan bahan baku

Bagi Vietnam, menjadi eksportir tekstil dan garmen global dapat menjadi pedang bermata dua. Meskipun hal ini memastikan adanya tingkat permintaan yang konsisten yang menghasilkan lapangan kerja dan kesejahteraan ekonomi, hal ini juga berarti bahwa Vietnam akan terkena dampak dari setiap peraturan baru yang diberlakukan oleh mitra dagangnya, sehingga menimbulkan beberapa tantangan. Berikut adalah dua rintangan utama.

Tantangan 1: Bergerak menuju praktik ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan

Kesadaran yang lebih besar mengenai praktik keberlanjutan dan ramah lingkungan mulai meningkat di seluruh dunia dan industri tekstil dan garmen Vietnam bergerak ke arah tersebut, terutama didorong oleh persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam Strategi Uni Eropa untuk Tekstil Berkelanjutan dan Sirkular (EUSSCT), yang bertujuan untuk membantu negara-negara anggota blok tersebut untuk melakukan transisi ke konsumsi pakaian dan pakaian jadi yang lebih berkelanjutan.

Untuk melakukan hal ini, mereka telah menetapkan beberapa prinsip inti dan tindakan terkait. Hal ini antara lain termasuk meminimalkan emisi lingkungan, memperkenalkan insentif untuk mendorong produsen bergerak menuju proses manufaktur berkelanjutan, mengurangi volume limbah yang dihasilkan, dan meningkatkan volume limbah daur ulang.

Meskipun kerangka ini diterapkan di Uni-Eropa, dampaknya akan terasa di Vietnam. Merek-merek terkemuka seperti adidas dan H&M dengan pabrik di Vietnam akan ditantang untuk mengubah pendekatan operasional mereka dan menemukan cara untuk menerapkan perubahan yang memenuhi persyaratan EUSSCT. Upaya seperti ini kemungkinan besar akan memakan banyak biaya karena berpotensi memerlukan peralatan baru, pembenahan proses, dan pengadaan material yang berbeda.

Sisi baiknya, negara-negara tujuan ekspor Vietnam lainnya seperti AS, ASEAN atau Jepang dapat menerapkan persyaratan serupa dalam waktu dekat. Oleh karena itu, jika industri tekstil dan garmen Vietnam dapat melakukan poros keberlanjutan sejak dini, maka mereka akan memiliki persiapan yang baik untuk masa depan.

Tantangan 2: Sumber bahan mentah

Sebelumnya telah ditegaskan bahwa Vietnam adalah bagian dari EVFTA dan CPTPP. Meskipun perjanjian ini menurunkan biaya dan hambatan dalam mengakses pasar di negara-negara anggota, perjanjian ini juga mempunyai peraturan yang mempersulit dan mahal bagi pabrik-pabrik tekstil di Vietnam.

Salah satu aturan tersebut adalah aturan “fabric forward”, yang dapat ditemukan di EVFTA dan CPTPP. Aturan-aturan tersebut memiliki dasar pemikiran yang hampir sama, yaitu kain yang digunakan untuk memotong dan menjahit pakaian – seperti benang – harus bersumber dan dibeli dari Uni-Eropa atau negara-negara anggota CPTPP. Pemenuhan kondisi ini diperlukan agar industri dapat menikmati tarif preferensial terhadap ekspor tekstil dan garmennya.

Namun Vietnam terus bergantung pada impor kain mentah dari luar negara-negara tersebut. Misalnya, negara ini sangat bergantung pada Tiongkok untuk produksi benangnya. Pada tahun 2022, 61% dari total volume impor benang Vietnam berasal dari Tiongkok, yang bukan merupakan penandatangan CPTPP.

Untuk mengatasi tantangan ini, perusahaan-perusahaan tekstil Vietnam perlu membuat rencana masa depan dengan baik, berinvestasi pada mesin dan teknologi yang memungkinkan mereka meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan kualitas kain mentah yang diproduksi secara lokal, dan mengurangi ketergantungan pada bahan mentah impor.  

🔑 Read More: Wallex Industry Insights: Japan

Bagaimana pemerintah Vietnam mendukung industri tekstil dan garmen?

Pemerintah Vietnam telah mengambil langkah-langkah luas dalam hal ini, karena telah lama menyadari perlunya mengembangkan tidak hanya industri utamanya, tetapi juga industri pendukungnya. Bagi industri tekstil dan garmen, mengembangkan sektor hulu seperti produksi kain dan serat sangat penting bagi negara ini untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada impor dan mendapatkan tarif preferensial berdasarkan FTA.

Langkah-langkah untuk meningkatkan industri pendukung tersebut telah diambil sejak tahun 2015 ketika pemerintah mengeluarkan Keputusan No.111/2015/ND-CP. Berdasarkan keputusan ini, proyek investasi yang membantu pertumbuhan produk industri pendukung terkait berhak mendapatkan insentif pajak penghasilan badan (PPh) yang berupa tarif preferensi dan tax holiday.

Tarif pajak preferensial bisa mencapai 17% selama masa proyek berlangsung. Sedangkan tax holiday memberikan pengecualian pembayaran pajak selama empat tahun, dan kemudian pengurangan pajak terutang sebesar 50% untuk sembilan tahun berikutnya. Hal ini bergantung pada berbagai faktor, namun lebih besar kemungkinannya untuk diberikan pada proyek-proyek di industri tertentu atau zona ekonomi tertentu, misalnya:

Inisiatif strategis dan peluang bisnis

Pada akhir tahun 2022, Perdana Menteri Vietnam mengeluarkan Keputusan No. 1643/QD-TTg, yang menyetujui "STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN INDUSTRI TEKSTIL DAN GARMEN VIETNAM MENUJU 2030, VISI MENUJU 2035." Salah satu tujuan terbesar dari Keputusan ini adalah untuk membantu industri tekstil dan garmen agar tidak terlalu bergantung pada impor bahan mentah.

Untuk mencapai hal ini, strategi ini menjabarkan sejumlah inisiatif untuk membantu mereka mencapai tujuan meningkatkan output industri pendukung untuk memenuhi 70% permintaan lokal dan menyumbang 14% produksi industri pada tahun 2030. Dalam inisiatif inilah dunia usaha di Singapura dapat menemukan peluang untuk ekspansi. Mari kita lihat peluang-peluang ini.

Pengembangan bahan baku dan teknologi ramah lingkungan untuk menunjang produksi

Untuk meningkatkan kemandirian Vietnam terhadap bahan mentah yang diproduksi secara lokal, pemerintah berupaya mendorong investasi pada proyek-proyek yang berfokus pada produksi serat, bahan sintetis, benang berbiaya tinggi dan berkualitas tinggi; dan produksi tekstil, antara lain.

Kekhawatiran terhadap lingkungan hidup pasti akan muncul ketika Vietnam memulai produksi dengan volume yang lebih tinggi dan mengintegrasikan proses-proses baru. Oleh karena itu, mekanisme sedang diciptakan untuk mendanai pengembangan teknologi pengolahan air limbah dan limbah di kawasan industri khusus.

Penyedia teknologi yang menawarkan solusi untuk serat fungsional dan material baru, pengolahan air limbah, dan proses produksi berkelanjutan dapat menemukan pasar yang reseptif di Vietnam. Spesialis dalam solusi energi bersih juga dapat berkontribusi pada pengembangan proses dan peralatan pengolahan limbah untuk produsen.

Optimalisasi rantai pasokan dan transformasi digital

Menyadari kebutuhan akan rantai pasokan yang lebih efisien dan transparan, terdapat rencana untuk menerapkan program yang menghubungkan perusahaan dalam dan luar negeri melalui transfer teknologi dan pengetahuan dalam manajemen pabrik dan produksi.

Hal ini termasuk membangun sistem database yang akan berbagi informasi mengenai bahan mentah dan bahan penolong yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk bertukar informasi tentang sumber pasokan, dan membangun lantai perdagangan untuk bahan mentah dan aksesoris.

Pengembang perangkat lunak dan konsultan dapat merancang dan mengimplementasikan sistem tersebut, memastikan pertukaran informasi yang lancar dan manajemen rantai pasokan yang efisien. Selain itu, perusahaan perdagangan komoditas dapat menyumbangkan keahlian mereka dalam menangani bahan-bahan yang berhubungan dengan tekstil, dan menyediakan pengumpulan dan analisis data untuk mengisi database.

Pembangunan infrastruktur dan kapasitas

Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi garmen berkualitas tinggi dalam jumlah besar, sehingga Vietnam perlu meningkatkan kapasitas produksinya untuk mengimbangi pertumbuhan permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, pemerintah sedang mengembangkan beberapa kawasan industri khusus. Kawasan-kawasan ini akan didedikasikan untuk proyek-proyek besar dari investor terkemuka yang menggunakan teknologi modern dan canggih.

Inisiatif ini untuk membangun kawasan industri khusus dengan teknologi mutakhir membuka peluang bagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang memiliki keahlian dalam bidang mesin, peralatan, dan infrastruktur. Perusahaan-perusahaan teknik dapat berperan dalam desain dan pembangunan kawasan industri ini, sementara produsen mesin tekstil berteknologi tinggi dapat berpartisipasi dalam memenuhi permintaan yang terus bertumbuh.

🔑 Read More: Wallex Industry Insights: Philippines

Mulai untuk masuk ke industri tekstil dan garmen Vietnam dengan Wallex

Industri tekstil dan garmen Vietnam memberikan alasan yang menarik bagi dunia usaha internasional yang ingin memperluas jangkauan mereka, terlepas dari apakah mereka produsen pakaian jadi atau garmen. Ketangkasan, kemampuan beradaptasi, dan komitmen industri terhadap praktik berkelanjutan menempatkannya pada pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan.

Mengakses peluang ini kini lebih mudah dengan Wallex. Nikmati pengalaman pembayaran VND yang tak tertandingi dengan Wallex. Kami menyediakan:

  • Pembayaran real-time dalam VND untuk transaksi hingga VND 500 juta
  • Perkiraan penghematan biaya 50% dibandingkan dengan penyedia lain
  • Tarif FX yang sangat kompetitif untuk pembayaran dalam IDR, USD, SGD, HKD
  • Tidak ada batasan transfer untuk pembayaran kepada penerima manfaat perusahaan lainnya

Apa yang benar-benar menjadikan Wallex mitra ideal untuk kebutuhan lintas batas Anda adalah dukungan yang akan Anda nikmati dari Manajer Akun khusus Anda. Mereka akan selalu siap mendukung kebutuhan bisnis Anda, membantu mempercepat transaksi mendesak, dan mengatasi masalah apa pun yang Anda hadapi.

Apakah Anda siap menjadi bagian dari kisah sukses industri tekstil dan garmen Vietnam? Bicaralah dengan tim kami hari ini !

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