Our Mission in Wallex
As the leading FX and payments specialist in Asia, Wallex's mission is to empower businesses and help them go global.

Our Vision
Help customers grow their business while stretching every dollar and cent further, with multi-currency solutions that simplify global trade for them.
Global payments. Local focus.
Pay partners globally
Make international payments in 47 currencies via our online platform.
Get paid like a local
Receive global payments in USD, GBP, EUR, SGD, IDR and more as if you have a local account.
Convert FX at bank beating rates
Convert FX in 48 currencies at near mid-market rates with real-time execution of every order from a global network of liquidity providers.
Hold and manage 13 currencies
Maintain liquidity in 13 top and Asian currencies in your business account, timing your payments and conversions to when rates are favourable.

Global payments. Local focus.
Pay partners globally
Make international payments in 47 currencies via our online platform.
Make bulk payments
Save time and effort by paying up to 200 beneficiaries in one go with our bulk payments feature
Access MT103 document
Access the MT103 document when you complete a wire transfer, which serves as a record of your transaction and proof of payment.
Implement maker-checker workflow
Improve governance and reduce manual error by implementing the maker-checker workflow where one person, the maker, sets up the transaction for approval by the second person, the checker

Global payments. Local focus.
Pay partners globally
Make international payments in 47 currencies via our online platform.
Make bulk payments
Save time and effort by paying up to 200 beneficiaries in one go with our bulk payments feature
Access MT103 document
Access the MT103 document when you complete a wire transfer, which serves as a record of your transaction and proof of payment.
Implement maker-checker workflow
Improve governance and reduce manual error by implementing the maker-checker workflow where one person, the maker, sets up the transaction for approval by the second person, the checker

Global payments. Local focus.
Pay partners globally
Make international payments in 47 currencies via our online platform.
Make bulk payments
Save time and effort by paying up to 200 beneficiaries in one go with our bulk payments feature
Access the MT103 document
Access the MT103 document when you complete a wire transfer, which serves as a record of your transaction and proof of payment.
Implement maker-checker workflow
Improve governance and reduce manual error by implementing the maker-checker workflow where one person, the maker, sets up the transaction for approval by the second person, the checker

透過我們的線上平台以 47 種貨幣進行國際支付。
以接近市場中間價的價格兌換 47 種貨幣,並通過全球流動性服務商網路即時執行每筆訂單。

Pembayaran Global. Fokus Lokal.
Bayar mitra secara global
Lakukan pembayaran internasional dalam 47 mata uang melalui jaringan internasional atau saluran lokal.
Pembayaran massal
Hemat waktu dan tenaga untuk membayar hingga 200 penerima sekaligus dengan fitur pembayaran massal kami
Akses dokumen MT103
Akses dokumen MT103 saat Anda menyelesaikan transaksi ke luar negeri sebagai catatan transaksi dan bukti pembayaran Anda
Alur maker-checker
Meningkatkan tata kelola dan mengurangi risiko kesalahan dengan menerapkan alur kerja maker-checker di mana satu orang sebagai maker bertugas untuk menyiapkan transaksi untuk disetujui oleh orang kedua, yakni checker.

通过我们的在线平台以 47 种货币进行国际支付。
以接近市场中间价的价格兑换 47 种货币,并通过全球流动性服务商网络实时执行每笔订单。

通过我们的在线平台以 47 种货币进行国际支付。
以接近市场中间价的价格兑换 47 种货币,并通过全球流动性服务商网络实时执行每笔订单。
持有和管理 13 种货币
在您的企业账户中持有 13 种主要和亚洲货币的流动性,并在汇率有利时进行支付和兑换。

Global Payment Solutions for Fintechs
Integrate cross-border payments into your fintech ecosystem.
Wallex API
Wallex's diverse APIs places our cross-border payment capabilities into a modular and customisable tech stack. Our team of FX specialists and transparent pricing model will help you cut your time-to-market and extend your business's reach.
Wallex Xip
Launch your own remittance app with Wallex Xip, without the long development cycles, costs, and challenges that come with building your own product.

Global Payment Solutions for Fintechs
Integrate cross-border payments into your fintech ecosystem.
Wallex API
Wallex's diverse APIs places our cross-border payment capabilities into a modular and customisable tech stack. Our team of FX specialists and transparent pricing model will help you cut your time-to-market and extend your business's reach.
Wallex Xip
Launch your own remittance app with Wallex Xip, without the long development cycles, costs, and challenges that come with building your own product.

Global Payment Solutions for Fintechs
Integrate cross-border payments into your fintech ecosystem.
Wallex API
Wallex's diverse APIs places our cross-border payment capabilities into a modular and customisable tech stack. Our team of FX specialists and transparent pricing model will help you cut your time-to-market and extend your business's reach.
Wallex Xip
Launch your own remittance app with Wallex Xip, without the long development cycles, costs, and challenges that come with building your own product.

Global Payment Solutions for Fintechs
Integrate cross-border payments into your fintech ecosystem.
Wallex API
Wallex's diverse APIs places our cross-border payment capabilities into a modular and customisable tech stack. Our team of FX specialists and transparent pricing model will help you cut your time-to-market and extend your business's reach.
Wallex Xip
Launch your own remittance app with Wallex Xip, without the long development cycles, costs, and challenges that come with building your own product.

Wallex API
Wallex Xip
Wallex Xip可幫助您推出自己的匯款應用程式,無需漫長的開發週期、成本和挑戰。

Solusi pembayaran global untuk Fintech
Mengintegrasikan pembayaran internasional ke dalam ekosistem fintech Anda
Wallex API
Beragam API Wallex memungkinkan pembayaran internasional menggunakan teknologi yang dapat disesuaikan. Tim spesialis FX dan model penetapan harga transparan kami akan membantu mempercepat time-to-market (TTM) dan memperluas jangkauan bisnis Anda.
Wallex Xip
Luncurkan aplikasi pengiriman uang Anda sendiri dengan Wallex Xip. Tanpa proses pengembangan yang panjang, biaya yang tinggi, dan berbagai tantangan yang menyertai saat proses pembuatan produk Anda.

Wallex API
Wallex Xip
Wallex Xip可帮助您推出自己的汇款应用程序,无需漫长的开发周期、成本和挑战。

Wallex API
Wallex Xip
Wallex Xip可帮助您推出自己的汇款应用程序,无需漫长的开发周期、成本和挑战。
Featured resources
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Join Wallex
We are always on the hunt for talented professionals to join our mission.

Get started to send money in 3 easy steps
Get started to send money in 3 easy steps
Get started to send money in 3 easy steps
Get started to send money in 3 easy steps
3 langkah mudah untuk mengirim uang
只需 3 步即可开始汇款
只需 3 步即可开始汇款
只需 3 步即可開始匯款
Supporting your business is our business.
Confidently expand your business and enter new markets with Asia's leading FX and payments specialist.
Supporting your business is our business.
Confidently expand your business and enter new markets with Asia's leading FX and payments specialist.
Supporting your business is our business.
Confidently expand your business and enter new markets with Asia's leading FX and payments specialist.
Supporting your business is our business.
Confidently expand your business and enter new markets with Asia's leading FX and payments specialist.
Membantu bisnis Anda adalah bisnis kami.
Kembangkan bisnis Anda dengan percaya diri dan masuki pasar bersama spesialis FX dan platform pembayaran terkemuka di Asia.